Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Pre-order of Shoe Boxes from Operation Christmas Child

Dear coworkers,
I’d like to give you all a big thank-you for helping to greet our speakers last Friday and encouraging people to come.  Cecil sent me a note thanking you all for the warm welcome and hospitality.  As he said, it felt like coming home to him!
Here is a follow-up item: Patricia Fung and Cynthia Huang have suggested that we as a church order some empty Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes from Samaritan’s Purse in bulk.  They have a suggested donation of $39/100 boxes.  The boxes are pretty good quality and it will be much cheaper than buying them in stores – even if they could be found.  And because the box has the standard size, it is easier to ship.  Pastor Nathan and I talked about yesterday and agreed that it is a good idea.  Those boxes are especially handy for packing parties we plan to organize in the week leading up to Thanksgiving for students and new comers. 
This is how the box looks like: 
So here is the action item: could you take the suggestion to your small group/fellowship leaders and get back to me a rough count of how many such pre-printed empty shoeboxes they may want? It’ll take a few days for the boxes to ship here.  So preferably, please get me the count by this Sunday.  That way, we can hand them out next weekend.     
Thank you very much!
